Next Event – “…because brain has no eys!”

...because brain has no eys!

“…because brain has no eys!”

8057art is happy to introduce our next Event at Zoo Bar in Köln, Ehrenfeld.

Opening night party on 29th of October – 19:00 😉

There you will be confronted with the way we feel colors, leaving free space to, each singular interpretation, find shapes and forms which suits better each one’s brain             …because brain has no eys, whatever it means, brings you freedom to dive into this colorful universe without limits for our imagination…leaving space to deconstruct conventional forms of structures. Therefore, forget your limits outside and try to enjoy or hate the expressions presented to you…

There isn’t any meaning to look for! Feel this meaning yourself. Find your own meaning, whether positive or negative, however you like, but find yourself this meaning, if necessary…

…because brain has no eys, is a development of our work that helped us explore fields of our imagination located beyond our daily horizon. A place we manage to visit every time we step beyond our common level of consciousness…we can only achieve it, when we understand that there’s no such division between our brain and body. We feel our body as an extension of our brain that receives external inputs to be decoded in feelings. Therefore we are all feelings. Feeling what we want. Whatever we project from our mind out, creating our own reality, where we decide how to live.

With this thought in mind we invite you to think, are you living the reality you would like to live? We discovered ours…this is what we have to do …because brain has no eys!

8057art …because brain has no eys!


Zoo Bar – Venloestrasse, 434 – 50825 Cologne, Germany.

Opening Night:

29th of October – 19:00

Music by Jack Dean / Daniel Neunzig              
